Monday, January 26, 2009

The Wasp Report

The cavalry duly rolled up - a couple of friendly fellows who thought they might be able to flood the wasps' nest. No, they didn't have any pesticides. They'd get Terry up the road to do something about it. But, of course, nothing was going to happen over the weekend.
Maybe the cavalry will return on Monday. Maybe not. So late last night, in a do-it-yourself mood, I got hold of a can of contact pesticide gas and sprayed it around the entrance and all over the nest. I am not in a hurry to open the cover and see what effect this had. The wasps could be quite cross. On the other hand, my amateur effort may be enough to do the job. Then I can get rid of the nest, turn the water off and fix the leaky tap.

It's all a bit like Local Shared Ministry. Small churches just get on with the job. They're not stuck with hierarchies of ministry, nor overwhelmed in profound theological reflection, nor confined by the "proper" ways of doing things. They have all they need for mission and ministry within their own resources and if they need specialised assistance they can access it. And they get things done.

See a leaflet on my book: Cavalry Won't be Coming

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