Saturday, July 15, 2017

That TV1 News Item Last Week!

If blog readers happened  to miss last night's TV news item, here's the link, kindly provided by Political Reporter Katy Bradford, whose team made such a splendid job of the piece.

The broadcast ended a very busy week for Bev and me. We had at least two things on each day and there was some difficulty organising a date to do the camera work. Then it had to be cancelled because they couldn't get a camera. The wild storm over the whole of the country dominated the news for three or so days and the piece couldn't be aired until Friday.

And that day we were using our retirees Gold Card to bus and train right over to Penrose to pick up our cute five-years old all-electric Leaf. We walked back into the house, turned on the midday news and there was my face all over the intro piece. Happily, they found something better for the 6pm news.

But it was a privilege to have the opportunity to respond on behalf of End-of-Life Choice NZ. I wanted to support the view that we've heard all the arguments on both sides. It's now time for the Politicians to make up their minds and vote. David Seymour's bill popping up out of the ballot box a few weeks ago has made it an election issue  It's time has come.

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